Dec. 6: Sony Classical to Release Monumental Michael Tilson Thomas Box Set – The Complete CBS, RCA, and Sony Classical Recordings

Sony Classical to Release
Monumental Michael Tilson Thomas Box Set

The Complete CBS, RCA, and Sony Classical Recordings

Sony Classical Celebrates the 80th Birthday of Conductor and Pianist Michael Tilson Thomas with his Complete Recordings in an 80-CD Edition Created in Collaboration with the Artist

Album Release Date: December 6, 2024
Reviewer Rate Upon Request
Pre-Order Available Now

He was Leonard Bernstein’s most famous protégé, and it’s convenient to draw parallels between two prodigiously gifted pianists, composers and charismatic explicators who became the leading American conductor of their respective generations. Like his mentor from the East Coast, Michael Tilson Thomas, born and bred on the West Coast, has been an eloquent champion of Mahler, Gershwin, Ives and Copland; he is also equally at home in the standard European repertoire, Broadway musicals and jazz; and he is a passionate, eloquent teacher – in the 1970s he took over Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts. MTT – as he is affectionately known almost everywhere by now – has become one of the world’s best-loved musical figures and most successful recording artists, with a dozen GRAMMYs to his credit. Sony Classical’s 80-CD box set now, for the first time, collects the entire discography he amassed for RCA, CBS and Sony Classical between 1973 and 2005. The set will be released on December 6, 2024.

Born into an artistic family in Los Angeles in 1944 – his paternal grandparents Boris and Bessie Thomashefsky were founding members of the Yiddish Theatre in America – by the age of 19 he was already conducting premières of works by Boulez, Copland, Stockhausen and Stravinsky. He assisted Boulez at the Ojai Festival in California, in 1969 was appointed assistant conductor of the Boston Symphony under William Steinberg, was music director of the Buffalo Philharmonic from 1971 to 1979 and principal guest conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic from 1981 to 1985. He founded and directed the Miami-based New World Symphony, which gave its first concert in 1988, and that year, he became principal conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra. In 1995, he assumed the career-defining post of music director of the San Francisco Symphony, turning an already top-class ensemble into America’s most boldly adventurous orchestra. “If Leonard Bernstein was 20th-century American music’s greatest missionary,” wrote Gramophone, “then Michael Tilson Thomas is its 21st-century acolyte.”

Right from the start, MTT’s recordings for CBS showed off his dedication to the music of his homeland. 1974 brought Stanley Silverman’s “multi-media pop-opera extravaganza” Elephant Steps: A Fearful Radio Show New York Times: “[It] earned rave reviews, and so did its actor-conductor. Michael Tilson Thomas found himself a hero in East Coast contemporary music circles” – and John McLaughlin’s Apocalypse with the Mahavishnu and London Symphony Orchestras, whose producer George Martin, of Beatles fame, regarded it as “one of the best records I have ever made”. Along with recordings of Orff’s Carmina burana (“A terrifically exciting performance … aided by playing of characteristic brilliance and transparency from the Cleveland Orchestra” – ClassicsToday; Grammy winner for “Best Choral Performance” and nominee for “Album of the Year”); and, with the LSO and Ambrosian Singers, seldom performed late choral music by Beethoven (“On all counts very well worth adding to your collection” – Gramophone), the 1970s also saw his pioneering recordings of the complete works of Carl Ruggles, with the Buffalo Philharmonic (“For collectors of 20th-century American music … a landmark from the moment that CBS Masterworks released it in 1980” – New York Times).

Talking about George Gershwin in an interview, MTT disclosed that he “has occupied a vitally important place in my life. From my childhood, his music, interpretations, wise-cracks and wise-words were transmitted to me by my father…a piano student of Gershwin and by my uncle Harry who played and wrote music with him in his early years.” In 1976, Thomas stood the musical world on its head by recording Rhapsody in Blue with the composer as soloist (via a 1924 piano roll) matched to his conducting of the Columbia Jazz Band: “Nobody who is concerned with Gershwin’s music will be able to do without this record” (Gramophone). Dating from the same time is an album of Broadway overtures: “Thomas and the Buffalo Philharmonic have put together a group of stunning performances that are almost perfectly recorded and fill a real gap in the catalogue” (Gramophone).

In the 1980s with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, there was a live concert of Gershwin songs with Sarah Vaughan (“Sparkle and joyous spontaneity” – MusicWeb International) and an album of works with piano with MTT conducting from the keyboard; and in New York, he recorded two Gershwin musicals, Of Thee I Sing and Let ‘em Eat Cake: “Michael Tilson Thomas drives both scores along with total conviction … Aiding and abetting him is a splendid chorus … and three leads who are steeped in the performing tradition of the musical theatre” (Gramophone). And in 1997 a Gramophone reviewer proclaimed: “Michael Tilson Thomas and George Gershwin go together like bread and cheese … In the mini-avalanche of Gershwin centenary recordings this [San Francisco Symphony] set stands out … [with] an exquisitely poised understanding of the jazz influences on the opera [Porgy and Bess] … Tilson Thomas himself attacks the Second Rhapsody with glittering, humorous style … A piece as familiar as An American in Paris sounds freshly exciting.”

Similarly with Charles Ives: “If anyone has a hot-line to the cortex of Ives’s imagination, it’s Michael Tilson Thomas” (Gramophone Classical Music Guide). In the 1980s and 90s, he made acclaimed CBS recordings of Ives’s symphonies with the Chicago Symphony and Concertgebouw orchestras. With the San Francisco Symphony for RCA in 1999, he created “Charles Ives: An American Journey”, which the BBC’s reviewer called “a totally satisfying overview of Ives’s genius on one 65-minute CD. Songs, symphonies, psalms and tone poems … imaginatively sequenced as an organic whole.”

And Aaron Copland: MTT was still in his teens when he met him and began performing and premiering his music. He has said: “I have a very clear idea of him and his personality and his musical desires.” Of the numerous, diverse Copland recordings in this set, the most recent, and perhaps most indispensable, are two RCA albums with the San Francisco Symphony. “Copland the Modernist”, released in 1996, includes the Piano Concerto (with Garrick Ohlsson), Orchestral Variations, Short Symphony and Symphonic Ode: “A young man’s America, alternately monolithic and toughly contrapuntal … The performance knows just how good it is. Deep-set, blockbusting recording. A winner” (Gramophone). “Copland the Populist” (2000) features the composer’s “Big Three”: Appalachian Spring, Billy the Kid and Rodeo “in performances of tremendous power and panache … Boasting some handsomely opulent, exhilaratingly expansive sonics, this is one corker of a release” (Gramophone).

Just a few further samplings of the countless riches in this set. Berlioz’s Symphonie fantastique, recorded with the San Francisco Symphony “easily withstands comparison to any of the great versions of the past … and it sounds better than any of them” (ClassicsToday). Debussy’s complete incidental music for Le Martyre de Saint-Sébastien with the London Symphony Orchestra for Sony in 1997 “is as near an ideal performance as could be imagined” (Penguin Guide). Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto with Joshua Bell and the Berlin Philharmonic for Sony in 2005: “No matter how many other recordings you possess or may have heard [this one] is a must” (ClassicsToday). Mahler’s Symphony No. 7 with the London Symphony Orchestra for RCA in 1997 is “among the very finest to have come along in years” (ClassicsToday). Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet (excerpts) with the San Francisco Symphony for RCA in 1995 is “stunningly good … For many listeners this hugely enjoyable disc will be the one Romeo & Juliet to have and hold” (ClassicsToday). Stravinsky’s Firebird, Rite of Spring and Perséphone with the San Francisco Symphony for RCA in 1996–98): “Tilson Thomas has long established his credentials as an excellent Stravinsky conductor … Now with his own orchestra (which plays fabulously throughout), he undertakes the ever-popular Firebird and Rite of Spring ballets, and brings them off stunningly” (ClassicsToday).

Finally, two further adventurous albums with the New World Symphony for RCA. New World Jazz (1997), including works by Adams, Antheil, Bernstein, Gershwin, Stravinsky, Milhaud and Hindemith, is “imaginatively programmed and impeccably realized by all involved” (Gramophone). And with music by contemporary American composer Steven Mackey, “Tuck and Roll” (2001) is “free-wheeling, genre-defying fun … [with] sensational playing … Michael Tilson Thomas is in his element in this sort of repertoire as many of his conducting peers are not – and it is good to see him following Leonard Bernstein’s lead in taking up composers younger than himself. I cannot imagine this music better performed or recorded” (Gramophone).



Disc 1:
McLaughlin: Apocalypse | Mahavishnu Orchestra with The London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 2:
Stanley Silverman: Elephant Steps: A Fearful Radio Show

Disc 3:
Orff: Carmina Burana | The Cleveland Orchestra

Disc 4:
Beethoven: König Stephan, Op. 117 | London Symphony Orchestra
Beethoven: Elegischer Gesang, Op. 118 | London Symphony Orchestra
Beethoven: Opferlied, Op. 121b | London Symphony Orchestra
Beethoven: Bundeslied, Op. 122 "In allen guten Stunden" | London Symphony Orchestra
Beethoven: Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt, Op. 112 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 5:
Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue | Columbia Jazz Band
Gershwin: An American in Paris | New York Philharmonic

Disc 6:
Dvořák: The American Flag, Op. 102 | Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra
Dvořák: Suite in A Major, Op. 98a, B. 190 "American" | Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra

Disc 7:
Gershwin, arr. Don Rose: Oh, Kay!: Overture | Buffalo Philharmonic
Gershwin, arr. Don Rose: Funny Face: Overture | Buffalo Philharmonic
Gershwin, arr. Don Rose: Girl Crazy: Overture | Buffalo Philharmonic
Gershwin, arr. Don Rose: Strike Up the Band: Overture | Buffalo Philharmonic
Gershwin, arr. Don Rose: Of Thee I Sing: Overture | Buffalo Philharmonic
Gershwin, arr. Don Rose: Let 'Em Eat Cake: Overture | Buffalo Philharmonic

Disc 8:
Ruggles: Toys
Ruggles: Vôx Clamans in Deserto (For Chamber Orchestra and Mezzo Soprano) | Speculum Musicae
Ruggles: Men | Buffalo Philharmonic
Ruggles: Angels (Original Trumpet Version) | Brass Ensemble
Ruggles: Men and Mountains | Buffalo Philharmonic
Ruggles: Angels (Trumpet/Trombone Version) | Buffalo Philharmonic
Ruggles: Sun-Treader

Disc 9:

Ruggles: Portals (For String Orchestra) | Buffalo Philharmonic
Ruggles: Evocations (Original Piano Version) | John Kirkpatrick, piano
Ruggles: Evocations | Buffalo Philharmonic
Ruggles: Organum | Buffalo Philharmonic
Ruggles: Exaltation (For Brass, Chorus And Organ)

Disc 10:
Tchaikovsky: Suite No. 3 in G Major, Op. 55 | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Disc 11:
Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Op. 68 "Pastoral" | English Chamber Orchestra

Disc 12:
Respighi: Feste Romane | Los Angeles Philharmonic
Respighi: Fountains of Rome | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Disc 13:

Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony in B minor, Op. 58 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 14:
Tchaikovsky: Suite No. 2 in C Major for Orchestra, Op. 53 | The Philharmonia Orchestra
Tchaikovsky: Orchestral Suite No. 4, Op. 61, "Mozartiana" | The Philharmonia Orchestra

Disc 15:
Stravinsky: Petroushka (Revised 1947 Version) | The Philharmonia Orchestra
Stravinsky: Scherzo à la russe | The Philharmonia Orchestra
Stravinsky: Petrouchka (1947 version) | Boston Symphony Orchestra, Seiji Ozawa | Michael Tilson Thomas, piano

Disc 16:
Gershwin: Medley: Porgy and Bess | Los Angeles Philharmonic
Gershwin, arr. Paich, MTT: But Not for Me / Love Is Here to Stay / Embraceable You / Someone to Watch Over Me | Los Angeles Philharmonic
Gershwin: Sweet and Low-Down (From "Tip-Toes") | Los Angeles Philharmonic
Gershwin: Fascinating Rhythm (From "Lady, Be Good")
Gershwin: Do It Again (From "The French Doll") | Los Angeles Philharmonic
Gershwin: My Man's Gone Now (From "Porgy and Bess") | Los Angeles Philharmonic
Gershwin: The Man I Love (From "Strike Up the Band") | Los Angeles Philharmonic
Gershwin: Nice Work If You Can Get It / They Can't Take That Away from Me / 'S Wonderful / Swanee / Strike Up the Band | Los Angeles Philharmonic
Gershwin: Encore: I've Got a Crush on You - A Foggy Day

Disc 17:
Beethoven: Symphony No. 4 in B-Flat Major, Op. 60 | English Chamber Orchestra
Beethoven: Ah! Perfido, Op. 65 | English Chamber Orchestra | Eva Marton, soprano

Disc 18:
Ives: Symphony No. 2 | Concertgebouw Orchestra

Disc 19:
Prokofiev: Suite from Lieutenant Kijé, Op. 60 | Los Angeles Philharmonic
Prokofiev: Suite from "The Love for Three Oranges", Op. 33a | Los Angeles Philharmonic
Prokofiev: Overture in B-flat Major, Op. 42 "American Overture" | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Disc 20:
Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 | English Chamber Orchestra
Beethoven: Egmont Overture, Op. 84 | English Chamber Orchestra

Disc 21:
Debussy: La mer, L. 109 | The Philharmonia Orchestra
Debussy: Nocturnes, L. 91 | The Philharmonia Orchestra

Disc 22:
Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64 | The Philharmonia Orchestra | Cho-Liang Lin, violin
Saint-Saens: Violin Concerto No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 61 | The Philharmonia Orchestra | Cho-Liang Lin, violin

Disc 23:
Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92 | English Chamber Orchestra

Disc 24:
Ives: Symphony No. 3, "The Camp Meeting" | Concertgebouw Orchestra
Ives: Orchestral Set No. 2 | Concertgebouw Orchestra

Disc 25:
Bernstein: West Side Story (Excerpts)| Los Angeles Philharmonic | Peter Hofmann, tenor
Bernstein: On the Town (Excerpts) | Los Angeles Philharmonic | Peter Hofmann, tenor
Bernstein: Mass (Excerpts) | Los Angeles Philharmonic | Peter Hofmann, tenor

Disc 26:
Gershwin, arr. Grofé: Rhapsody in Blue | Los Angeles Philharmonic
Gershwin: 3 Preludes for Piano | Michael Tilson Thomas, piano
Gershwin: Short Story | Michael Tilson Thomas, piano
Gershwin: Melody No. 40 "Violin Piece" | Michael Tilson Thomas, piano
Gershwin: Second Rhapsody | Los Angeles Philharmonic
Gershwin: Melody No. 79 "For Lily Pons" | Michael Tilson Thomas, piano
Gershwin: Melody No. 17 "Sleepless Night" | Michael Tilson Thomas, piano
Gershwin: Promenade: Walking the Dog | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Disc 27:
Beethoven: Symphony No. 2 in D Major, Op. 36 | English Chamber Orchestra
Beethoven: Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21 | English Chamber Orchestra

Disc 28:
Brahms, orch. Schoenberg: Piano Quartet in G Minor, Op. 25 | Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks
Bach, orch. Schoenberg: Chorale Prelude "Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele", BWV 654 | Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks
Bach, orch. Schoenberg: Chorale Prelude "Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist", BWV 631 | Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks

Disc 29:
Beethoven: Symphony No. 8 in F Major, Op. 93 | English Chamber Orchestra

Disc 30:
Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 | English Chamber Orchestra

Disc 31:
Copland: Old American Songs | Utah Symphony Orchestra | Don Becker, baritone
Copland: Canticle of Freedom | Utah Symphony Orchestra
Copland: Four Motets | Utah Symphony Orchestra

Disc 32:
Gershwin, arr. See LC: Of Thee I Sing | Studio Cast of Of Thee I Sing (1987)

Disc 33:
George Gershwin: Let 'Em Eat Cake | Studio Cast of Let 'Em Eat Cake (1987

Disc 34:
Ives: A Symphony - New England Holidays | Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Ives: The Unanswered Question (Revised Version) | Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Ives: Central Park in the Dark | Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Ives: The Unanswered Question (Original Version) | Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Disc 35:
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 in E-Flat Major, Op. 55 "Eroica" | Orchestra of St. Luke's
Beethoven: Twelve Contredanses for Orchestra, WoO 14 | Orchestra of St. Luke's

Disc 36:
Mahler: Symphony No. 3 in D minor | London Symphony Orchestra | Janet Baker, mezzo-soprano

Disc 37:
Mahler: Rückert Lieder

Disc 38:
Weill: Die sieben Todsünden | London Symphony Orchestra
Weill: Kleine Dreigroschenmusik | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 39:
Ravel: Ma Mere L'Oye | London Symphony Orchestra
Ravel: Fanfare for ballet L'Eventail de Jeanne | London Symphony Orchestra
Ravel: Rapsodie Espagnole | London Symphony Orchestra
Ravel: Piece En Forme De Habanera | London Symphony Orchestra
Ravel: Boléro | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 40:
Strauss, R.: Ein Heldenleben, Op. 40 | London Symphony Orchestra
Strauss, R.: Till Eulenspiegels Lustige Streiche, Op. 28 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 41:
Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 1 in D-Flat Major, Op. 10 | London Symphony Orchestra | Vladimir Feltsman, piano
Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 16 (1923 Version) | London Symphony Orchestra | Vladimir Feltsman, piano
Prokofiev: 10 Pieces from Romeo and Juliet, Op. 75: No. 10, Romeo and Juliet Before Parting | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 42:
McLaughlin: The Mediterranean Concerto | London Symphony Orchestra | John McLaughlin, guitar
McLaughlin: 5 Duos for Guitar & Piano | John McLaughlin, guitar; Katia Labeque, piano

Disc 43-44:
Puccini: Tosca | Hungarian State Orchestra

Disc 45:
Brahms: Serenade No. 1 in D Major, Op. 11 | London Symphony Orchestra
Brahms: Tragic Overture, Op. 81 | London Symphony Orchestra
Brahms: Academic Festival Overture, Op. 80 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 46:
Ives: Symphony No. 1 in D Minor | Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Webster: In the Sweet By and By | Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Sweney: Beulah Land | Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Zeuner: Ye Christian Heralds | Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Marsh: Jesus, Lover of My Soul | Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Ives: Nearer, My God, to Thee| Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Ives: Symphony No. 4 | Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Disc 47:
Strauss, R.: Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30 | London Symphony Orchestra
Strauss, R.: Don Juan, Op. 20 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 48:
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 49-50:
Adam: Giselle | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 51:
Brahms: Serenade No. 2 in A Major, Op. 16 for Small Orchestra | London Symphony Orchestra
Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a (St. Antoni) | London Symphony Orchestra
Brahms: Three Hungarian Dances | London Symphony Orchestra
Brahms, orch. Dvorák: Five Hungarian Dances | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 52:
Janácek: Glagolitic Mass/Slavonic Mass/Festliche Messe | London Symphony Orchestra
Janácek: Sinfonietta | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 53:
Debussy: Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, L. 86 | London Symphony Orchestra
Debussy: La boîte à joujoux, L. 128 | London Symphony Orchestra
Debussy: Jeux, L. 126 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 54:
Prokofiev: Symphony No. 5 in B-Flat Major, Op. 100 | London Symphony Orchestra
Prokofiev: Symphony No. 1 in D Major, Op. 25 "Classical Symphony" | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 55:
Debussy: Le Martyre de Saint Sébastien | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 56:
Bartók: Violin Concerto No. 2 | London Symphony Orchestra | Kyoko Takezawa, violin
Bartók: Rhapsody No. 1 for Violin and Orchestra | London Symphony Orchestra | Kyoko Takezawa, violin
Bartók: Rhapsody No. 2 for Violin and Orchestra | London Symphony Orchestra | Kyoko Takezawa, violin

Disc 57:
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 1 in C Major, Op. 15 | London Symphony Orchestra | Alicia De Larrocha, piano
Mozart: Concerto for Flute and Harp, K. 299 | London Symphony Orchestra | James Galway, flute

Disc 58:
Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 18 | London Symphony Orchestra | Barry Douglas, piano
Saint-Saens: The Carnival of the Animals, R. 125 | Steven Isserlis, cello
Saint-Saens: Concerto for Cello and Orchestra No. 1 in A Minor, Op. 33 | London Symphony Orchestra | Steven Isserlis, cello
Copland: Clarinet Concerto | London Symphony Orchestra | Richard Stoltzman, clarinet
Jenkins: Goodbye "In Memory of Benny" | London Symphony Orchestra | Richard Stoltzman, clarinet

Disc 59:
Stravinsky: Symphony of Psalms | London Symphony Orchestra
Stravinsky: Symphony in C Major | London Symphony Orchestra
Stravinsky: Symphony in 3 Movement s| London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 60:
Strauss, R.: Sechs Lieder Op. 68 | London Symphony Orchestra | Edita Gruberova, soprano
Strauss, R.: Zueignung Op. 10, No. 1 | London Symphony Orchestra | Karita Mattila, soprano
Strauss, R.: Muttertändelei Op. 43, No. 2 | London Symphony Orchestra | Karita Mattila, soprano
Strauss, R.: Meinem Kinde Op. 37, No. 3 | London Symphony Orchestra | Karita Mattila, soprano
Strauss, R.: Die heiligen drei Könige aus Morgenland Op. 56, No. 6 | London Symphony Orchestra | Karita Mattila, soprano
Strauss, R.: Frühlingsfeier Op. 56, No. 5 | London Symphony Orchestra | Karita Mattila, soprano
Strauss, R.: Vier letzte Lieder | London Symphony Orchestra | Lucia Popp, soprano

Disc 61:
Prokofiev: Romeo et Juliette, Op. 64 (Excerpts) | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 62:
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas Brasileiras Nos. 4, 5, 7 & 9 | New World Symphony

Disc 63:
Copland: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Copland: Orchestral Variations | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Copland: Short Symphony (Symphony No. 2) | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Copland: Symphonic Ode | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 64:
Stravinsky: The Star-Spangled Banner | London Symphony Orchestra
Stravinsky: Circus Polka | London Symphony Orchestra
Stravinsky: Ode | London Symphony Orchestra
Stravinsky: Scherzo à la russe | London Symphony Orchestra
Stravinsky: Scènes de ballet | London Symphony Orchestra
Stravinsky: Concertino for 12 Instruments | Columbia Chamber & Jazz Ensemble
Stravinsky: Agon | London Symphony Orchestra
Stravinsky: Greeting Prelude| London Symphony Orchestra
Stravinsky: Canon | London Symphony Orchestra
Stravinsky: Variations: Aldous Huxley in Memoriam | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 65:
Mahler: Das klagende Lied | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 66:
Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique, Op. 14 | London Symphony Orchestra
Berlioz: Lélio ou Le Retour à la vie | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 67:
Gershwin: Catfish Row Suite with Scenes from Porgy and Bess | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Gershwin: Second Rhapsody for Orchestra with Piano | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 68:
Gershwin: An American in Paris | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Gershwin: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 69:
Adams: Lollapalooza | New World Symphony
Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue | New World Symphony
Bernstein: Prelude, Fugue and Riffs | New World Symphony
Milhaud: La Creation du Monde | New World Symphony
Stravinsky: Ebony Concerto | New World Symphony
Hindemith: Ragtime | New World Symphony
Antheil: A Jazz Symphony | New World Symphony
Raksin: The Bad and the Beautiful | New World Symphony

Disc 70-71:
Mahler: Symphony No. 7 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 72:
Stravinsky: L'oiseau de feu | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 73:
Stravinsky: Le sacre du printemps | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 74:
Stravinsky: Perséphone | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 75:
Copland: Billy the Kid | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Copland: Appalachian Spring | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Copland: Rodeo | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Copland: Fanfare for the Common Man | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 76:
Mackey: Tuck and Roll | New World Symphony | Steven Mackey, e-guitar
Mackey: Lost and Found | New World Symphony
Mackey: Eating Greens | New World Symphony | Steven Mackey, e-guitar

Disc 77:
Ives: From the Steeples and the Mountains | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: The Things Our Fathers Loved | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: The Pond | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: 114 Songs: No. 102, Memories | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: Charlie Rutlage | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: The Circus Band | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: Orchestral Set No. 1 - 3 Places in New England | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: In Flanders Fields | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: They are There! | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: Tom Sails Away | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: Symphony No. 4: III. Fugue | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: Psalm 100 | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: Serenity | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: General William Booth Enters into Heaven | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Ives: The Unanswered Question | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 78:
Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35, TH 59 | Berliner Philharmoniker | Joshua Bell, violin
Tchaikovsky, arr. Glazunov: Souvenir d'un lieu cher, Op. 42, TH 116: I. Méditation | Berliner Philharmoniker | Joshua Bell, violin
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20a, TH 219: Russian Dance | Berliner Philharmoniker | Joshua Bell, violin

Disc 79:
Tchaikovsky: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 1 in B-Flat Minor, Op. 23 | London Symphony Orchestra | Kazune Shimizu, piano

Disc 80:
Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 18 | London Symphony Orchestra | Kazune Shimizu, piano
Liszt: Concerto No. 1 in E-flat Major for Piano and Orchestra S. 124, R. 458 | London Symphony Orchestra | Kazune Shimizu, piano


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